Blue Gum Data Analysis, The Big Picture With An Eye For Detail Grose Valley near Blackheath in the Blue Mountains, Australia

About Blue Gum Data Analysis

Blue Gum Data Analysis is a small Australia-based business specialized in high quality SAS® software consultancy for the pharmaceutical industry, including, but not limited to, the statistical analysis of clinical trials.

Blue Gum Data Analysis is owned and operated by Machteld Baljet and Marcel Hoevenaars and has been providing its services to pharmaceutical companies around the world, since 1999.

The two owners have a combined experience of more than 50 years in working with SAS® software in the pharmaceutical area, clinical as well as pre-clinical, data management as well as statistical analysis, and in a wide range of indications, including Central Nervous System, Oncology, Hormone Replacement Therapy and Vaccins.
Thanks to this experience Blue Gum Data Analysis is able to quickly recognize your needs and deliver quality output according to the standards set by the pharmaceutical industry.

Our work is according to Good Clinical Practice. We have our own sets of Standard Operating Procedures in place if needed, but we can also work according to your procedures.

Blue Gum Data Analysis aims to provide its services to pharmaceutical companies and their subsidiaries, both in Australia and anywhere in the world.
This can be done either on site (Australian customers only) or from our office in Mount Victoria, New South Wales.

Feel free to for more information or to discuss your needs.

About the owners

Machteld (Mattie) Baljet was employed by Solvay Pharmaceuticals in the Netherlands from 1987 until 1999. She worked as Statistician, Senior SAS® Programmer and SAS® Consultant. She has a Masters Degree in Research and Methodology of Social Sciences and is a Certified SAS® Developer V6.

Marcel Hoevenaars worked for Solvay Pharmaceuticals as Head of Data Management, for IMRO-Tramarko, a Dutch based CRO, as System Manager and Information Specialist, and for NDDO Oncology, a Dutch based CRO specialised in (clinical) research and development of anti-cancer drugs, as System Manager and SAS® Programmer. He is a Certified SAS® Programmer V8.

© Copyright Blue Gum Data Analysis, 2025